I know not who resides within my heart | Though I am silent, he must shake and quake.
I know not who resides within my heart
Though I am silent, he must shake and quake.
در اندرون مـن خسته دل ندانـم کیسـت
که من خموشم و او در فغان و در غوغاست
Acrylic, ink & gold leaf on canvas
130 x 130 cm
2017 - Paris
The twist of its musky curl !
By reason of the perfume of the musk-pod, that, at the end, the breeze displayeth from that fore-lock
From the twist of its musky curl, what blood befell the hearts!
به بوی نافهای کاخر صبا زان طرّه بگشاید
زِ تاب جعد مشکینش چه خون افتاده در دلها
Hafiz - حافظ
Acrylic & ink on canvas
150 x 300 cm
2017 - Paris